Minggu, 03 April 2016


Cucumbers can be used as a traditional herb that can cure certain diseases and skin care. The parts are believed cucumbers useful as a drug is flowers, leaves and fruit. Cucumber flowers can be used to potions jaundice, nausea, vomiting, liver tau. According to Drs. Sudirman Dirman Head of Pharmaceutical Health Office. Tasik Malaya, to make potions liver disease can be done by boiling or brewing interest cucumber taste.

Then As a minimum two times a day. To get the maximum results in the treatment of liver diseases of this use should be done regularly for 6 months and more effective if in the mix with water and wine haur koneng Uwung haur koneng. The characteristics of people affected by liver disease is piss yellow, tired, tired, lethargic, sleepy, nausea, vomiting, eyelid and skin yellowing, sometimes accompanied by heat and pain of heartburn.

Cucumber young fit to increase appetite, treat ulcers and high blood pressure. The trick, young cucumber in boiled water then set aside. After the water was cold then filtered and drink. Cucumber also can be used to add cosmetic or beauty. This can be done by smoothing his manner grated, then in lulurkan on the skin to be treated or the skin will be refined. Are suggested for use at night before bed, grated cucumber can also be used as a mask. In the morning after waking wash with warm water. D cucumber leaves use also untnuk digestion and constipation. You do this by boiling the leaves and make fresh vegetables.


Jatropha (Jatropha curcas) is widely available in Indonesia, why on call within the fence? The name was taken because these plants do usually planted in Indonesia as a guardrail land lading, village boundary fence, the cemetery fence, even a replacement headstone. This plant can also be used as a fence because the leaves are not in love animals so as to protect existing plants inside the fence.

Jatropha can be encountered in various regions in Indonesia. This was shown by a variety of nicknames for jatropha whom Distance Leprosy or Distance deaf (Sunda), Distance Pager (Java), kalekhe paghar (Madura) etc. This plant was originally known as a medicinal plant in accordance with the Latin name Jatroha Curcas in Greek, means Latros Doctor, while trope means food or nutrition. So Jatropha curcas means of medicinal plants. In addition the plant is also known as oilseeds for lights.
All parts of the plant jatropha can be utilized. Here utilization of Jatropha:

1. For traditional medicine
Part Jatropha much in use as a medicine, such as laxatives and leaves are used as a freezer or stabilizer blood, and also to treat malaria.
Leaves, seeds, bark and jatropha can be boiled, then thickened water used for treatment of rheumatism from outside as well as anti-inflammatory drugs. Ii boiled water can be used as medicine oabt pneumonia and worms. Jatropha sap is used to treat fungal infections of the mouth, mouth ulcers, swollen from bee sting, and indigestion children.

2. For the anti-insect and anti mollusks
Jatropha seeds have efficacy against host antimoluska for heartworms. Jatropha oil and oil extract has been successfully used against snails and snail vector of Schistosoma man. Jatropha crude oil buffer is formulated so that it has toxic to insects, especially beetles eating corn. Besides the formulas this oil can also be used to poison flies home and also to penganggu cotton pests.

3. Jatropha to substitute diesel fuel
Jatropha into alternative crops in the capture extract oil to replace diesel motor fuel. This plant is a good source of fuel.


Kale is an annual plant that is widely grown in tropical and subtropical regions. Termsuk plants in the family Convolvulaceae or kale-kangkungan which is characterized by gummy stem and hollow inside. Common types of kale cultivated consists of two kinds of water spinach and kale land. Kale water is characterized by long leaf shape with the tip of a rather blunt, dark green color. The flowers are white with a tinge of purple in the center. Kale land has long leaf shape with a pointed end, green and whitish. Flowers are white swamp land.

Aside from being a popular vegetable crops pharmacologically turns kale are also useful as anti-venom, anti-inflammatory and can be used to treat various health problems. Some of the properties of this plant, among others:

1. Reduce Menstrual
Kale leaves (approximately ½ kg) in the wash and finely crushed and pour half a glass of water. Then filtered and pour 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink once a day at a time.

2. Nosebleed
A bundle of fresh kale washed and finely crushed then add a little sugar and pour a glass of hot water. After the cold filtered and munum 2 times a day.

3. Headache
Bundle of spinach leaves in premises boiled 2 cups of water to 1 cup. Then the water decoction in drink.

4. Food poisoning.
500 g fresh kale and green beans as much as 120 gr puree with a little water given then filtered. Distillate in stir together 1 tablespoon of honey. Half of the herb in the drink in the morning and the other half in a drink in the afternoon. Repeat the treatment for at least 3 days.

5. Piles
Handful of spinach roots washed and boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining half. After a cold drink half a cup 2 times a day.

6. Insomnia
Kale leaves can be consumed in the form of sauteed spinach without stems.

7. Toothache
Handful of watercress roots in add half a teaspoon of white vinegar and then boiled with 1 cup of water. Use boiled water at once 1 a day.

8. Headache
Handful of watercress in finely crushed and put their salt and water and then filtered and stir in 1 tablespoon of honey. One ingredient in the drink once a day once.

9. Smooth urine
Handful of watercress roots boiled with 2 cups water until the remaining 1 cup. Drinking boiled water at once 1 a day

10. Eliminate dandruff
Duan bunch kale in the water to soak overnight to bluish. Then guanakan to wash the spinach with water immersion. Should be done every day.

11. Calluses
The skin is thickened sap spread with spinach and done every day.

12. Skin itching for eczema
Fresh spinach leaves washed and then boiled with water about 5 minutes. Once warm wear to wash the affected part. Do it every day.

13. Boils

Kale leaves 15-20 strands in finely crushed later in kompreskan in existing sections boil. Compressing done 2 times a day.


We know two kinds of star fruit. The first star fruit that is sweet, sour second leatherback and this is what is called starfruit. Besides used as seasoning, starfruit can also be used as medicine, both the leaves, stems, flowers or fruit.

Adapaun variety of diseases that can be cured by starfruit include:

1. Stone in children
Take 1 handful of flowers starfruit, 5 grains of fennel fruit. Wash and mix together. Add 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 cup of boiled water then team. Once cool, strain through a cloth to drink 2 times a day in the morning and at night when the stomach is empty.

2. High blood pressure
Rinse 3 grains of fruit starfruit, then cut into pieces. Boil in boiling water until remaining as much as 3 cups to 1 cup. Once cool, strain the decoction, lau drink once after breakfast. For prevention, drinking 3 days with the same amount.

3. Pegal linu
Take the young leaves of starfruit 1 handful or about 25 strands, 10 grains of seed cloves, and 15 grains of pepper. Mix all these ingredients together and then mash until smooth. Add vinegar to taste so that it becomes mush. Then apply to the sick

4. Rheumatism
Rinse 1 oz leaves starfruit, 10 grains of seed cloves, 15 grains of pepper, then milled until smooth. Add vinegar to taste to form a dough and then sprinkle to the sick.

5. cavities
Wash 5 pieces starfruit until clean. Eat less salt. Chew on the affected section. Repeat several times until the tooth cavities yng was not painful anymore.

6. Chickenpox
Take 5-8 pieces of starfruit yag old. Wash thoroughly. Tumbuklah fruit to mix with ½ teaspoon salt. Apply on the affected chicken pox. Within a couple of times of use, cacari water would burst and dried.

7. Lowering cholesterol.
If you are obese or overweight, you can perform weight loss with fruit starfruit. Way, take some ripe fruit or older. Eat away or mixing them with salt sesuia tastes. Star fruit eat fruit at once 4-5, 2 times a day that was undoubtedly body fat will decrease rapidly.


You've suffered from hypertension or high blood pressure? It turned out that the cure is easy and relatively contained in the environment around us ...
Here are some types of herbal medicines that can treat hypertension or high blood pressure.

1. Star fruit
This fruit can control the pressure so that blood is always in normal circumstances and also can lower blood pressure for those who have high blood pressure.
The trick is the star fruit is big enough and already rather mature finely grated. Parutannya water then squeezed one glass. The juice is in a drink every morning. Do it for three weeks to a month. After one month the dose be reduced by drinking two days. In water juice, does not need to add sugar or syrup.

2. Celery
Celery can be used to lower high blood pressure. The trick with a handful of dau celery mashing until smooth. Try a glass of filtered water. Let stand for approximately one hour, and then in the morning and evening drinking with little dregs in the bottom of the glass.
3. Garlic
Garlic can stabilize a person's blood pressure. how to take direct three suing raw garlic, every morning and evening. In priority garlic blackish brown skin because of its advantages baiik. It can also be boiled or steamed onions first. The number should reach 8-9 cloves meal.
4. Noni
This fruit has been proven as one of the alternative drugs to suppress hypertension. The trick is almost the same as the way of star fruit, noni is to scrape until smooth. Then in squeeze using a clean gauze for water grab. The juice is drunk every morning and afternoon in tearatur.